
Thursday, January 3, 2013

January: Dine In

If there's one thing I love- it's to eat out. Nothing makes me quite as happy as throwing on a new outfit and hitting up a delicious restaurant. It's a time to be social, an excuse to be glamorous, and a chance to indulge our taste buds in finely prepared cuisine. While I don't think there is anything wrong with a few dinners out, I must confess that the frequency of my restaurant endeavors is wavering on the line of addiction. That is why this month- for the entire 31 days I will be making my own meals and eating food from the grocery store. What do I hope to gain from this? For one, I'm hoping to be healthier and save money-something that all of us can appreciate. But I also want to be a better cook. Today making frozen pizzas and boiling pasta is as good as it gets. Those aren't very nutritious options and a lifestyle made solely off of cheesy-carbo-deliciousness certainly doesn't lead to looking and feeling your best. Here it goes!


  1. Thats where my blog can help ya babe!
    check out for easy fun recipes
    i love the start of your blog and will be following you on all your fashion adventures!
    Love ya,

  2. Awesome thanks! Can't wait to follow your blog :)
